Massage Therapy after Lockdown

While the touch received during therapeutic massage can be so reassuring, we now live in a time when, for many, physical closeness and touch present a very real threat. If you, or the people you live with, are considered at-risk for whatever reason, then rightly take the space you need for your safety.

For those who are ready to return to public spaces, I want to spell out what therapeutic massage can do, how it can support you, and in a post next week, what we’re doing to make it as safe as possible. 

1. Pain relief

If you’ve spent large chunks of the last year hunched over a make-shift home office, or, no shame in it - working from bed, then your back has probably seen better days. The aches and pain from knots, tension, pinched muscles, or repetitive strain from using your devices can all be eased, and over time eliminated, from having good quality deep tissue massage

Deep tissue massage aims to find the root cause of your tension and work slowly with the inflamed muscle tissue and fascia. It can sound a bit scary, but if done progressively and properly - it can offer profound relief. 

2. Stress relief

It feels fair to say this past year has been pretty stressful. Overwhelmed with responsibilities, endless changes and working from home. Feeling isolated, or longing for more space and alone time. Losing work, financial security and for some, loved ones. The challenges we’ve all faced are unique to every one of us. 

Your messy humanness, and everything you’re going through, is welcome here. Our sessions together offer not just relief from physical pain, but support your nervous system back into balance, and leave feeling supported, nourished and soothed. 

There’s peace, quiet, beautiful smelling oils and warm social contact.

3. Social Connection on Your Terms

If you’ve spent a lot of time alone during the pandemic, it is understandable that you might be feeling a bit nervous re-emerging from this lockdown. If you’re longing for some human contact but overwhelmed at the thought of busy shops, pubs and social situations, a massage could be perfect for you. 

I offer a safe(r) space that is welcoming, peaceful and can be tailored to meet your needs. Need to take it slow? Have a specific request to help you feel safer? I’m all ears. 

If any of this feels relevant for you, you’re welcome to get in touch with questions or book a session.
I hope this helps, and look forward to seeing some of you in the coming weeks!

Vanessa Allen