Women's Deep Tissue Massage - Brighton Hove | Brighter Day


I’m Vanessa, therapist and owner at Brighter Day Massage Therapy. I found my way to this work after years of struggling with overwhelming anxiety.

Over several years, my healing journey led to a very grounded education in embodiment, pain management, nervous system health, and the profound implications this has for leading a happy, balanced and well-lived life.

Trained extensively in a variety of massage styles; Deep Tissue, Lomi-lomi, Raynor and Myofascial. I weave elements from them all to offer you a unique resting space of professional care and support.

I live in Brighton, and when I’m not hanging out in my lovely massage bubble, you can find me on the beach, in my sewing studio, or cycling as fast as I can into the sunset.

Interested to know more?
Take a look at treatments and prices or make a booking.