We are sold endless ways to decompress from the constant onslaught of stress in our lives. And they usually leave us feeling hollow, overwhelmed, disconnected, and broke.

Zoning out on social media and Netflix binges.
Endless scrolling to distract ourselves.
Drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn, shopping, food. 
And on…

But truly nourishing rest is so much simpler - we need to feel present, and we need to feel safe. And this elusive combination of states doesn’t need to be so fleeting - we’re just never shown how to create it. 

So, how do I help myself to feel safe and present?

We slow the f- down.
We let our fears and fantasies about the future drop away. 
We breathe. Deeply and fully. 
Allow our mind's noise to settle.
And tune in slowly to the subtlety of our felt experience in real-time.

Whatever comes up, is welcome. And we can finally just be, without needing to strive, grow or produce. Often times we notice that peace is already here. 

For many people, this experience is made richer by another - a caretaker, a friend, a support. To offer words, touch, a space of silence, and a sense of accompaniment through life. 

And this is our mission at Brighter Day Massage - to support our local community, and you, into this truly nourishing state of feeling safe and present. To work through pain, tension and anxiety and leave you feeling safe and at ease in your body.

Vanessa Allen